  • Facebook: kalpeshmankad@hotmail.com
  • Twitter: chirantanlive

We at Chirantan Consultants arrange all types of loans and finance for all industries operating in Infrastructure Industry, Non- Infrastructure Industry, Manufacturing Activity, Trading Activity or Services Sector.

We arrange all types of Loans and finance from various Nationalised Banks (Public Sector Bank), Old Private Sector Banks, New Private Sector Banks, Financial Institutions, Housing Finance Companies, Non Banking Financial Companies, Mutual Funds, Insurance Companies.



  1. Road & Urban infrastructure- Road / Bridges / Drainage/ Water / Pollution Contractors
  2. Real Estate Developers, Builders, Contractors,
  3. Power and Electricity - Conventional- Non Conventional Energy- Thermal / Solar / Wind Mills
  4. Oil & Gas
  5. Natural Resources- Mines, Minerals, Stone Quarries
  6. Ports and Shipping
  7. Airports & Aviation
  8. Telecommunications
  9. Microfinance Companies & Institutions (MFI's)

Non-infrastructure sector

Manufacturing & trading:

  1. Agriculture - Cereals, Pulses, Spices
  2. Metals – Steel, Aluminum, Copper, Galvanize, Bullion
  3. Cement
  4. Engineering,
  5. Auto components,
  6. Textiles,
  7. Plantation , Pulp & papers
  8. Chemical & Dyes
  9. Drugs & Pharmaceuticals
  10. Gems & Jewelry
  11. Fibers & Plastics
  12. Wooden Industries
  13. Electric and Electronics
  14. Petrochemicals
  15. Medical, Surgical Equipments


  1. Transport
  2. Travel & Tourism
  3. Hotel & Hospitality,
  4. Educational Institutions,
  5. Health industry
  6. Information Technology